My Sunamganj

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Sunamganj District (sylhet division) with an area of 3669.58 sq km, is bounded by Khasia and Jaintia hills (India) on the north, habiganj and kishoreganj districts on the south, sylhet district on the east, netrokona and greater mymensingh districts on the west. Annual average temperature: maximum 33.2°C and minimum 13.6°C; annual rainfall 3334 mm. There are many haors and beels in Sunamganj.

Sunamganj (Town) stands on the bank of the river Surma. It was established in late 18th century. It consists of 9 wards and 44 mahallas. The town has an area of 22.16 sq km. It has a population of 49373; male 52.70%, female 47.30%; density of population is 2228 per sq km. Literacy rate among the town people is 58.8%. The town has five dakbungalows.

Sunamganj mahakuma (sub-division) was upgraded to a district in 1984. This district consists of 10 upazilas, 4 municipalities, 36 wards, 139 mahallas, 82 union parishads, 1711 mouzas and 2813 villages. The upazilas are bishwamvarpur, chhatak, derai, dharmapasha, dowarabazar, jagannathpur, jamalganj, tahirpur, sullah and sunamganj sadar.


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